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Three Commonly Overlooked Herbal Remedies

It is easy in our culture to want the ‘best’ the ‘strongest’ medicine for your ills. Western medicine has a ‘kill-what-is-invading-your-body’ approach to healing, rather than a ‘use-nourishing-medicines-to-strengthen-and-support-your-body’. I want to take a step back and celebrate three herbs that are easily overlooked because they seem so common and perhaps even ‘hum drum’. Each of these has many uses and I encourage you to add them all to your home apothecary.

By |2017-02-14T13:53:46-08:00February 14th, 2017|Blog, Herbal Articles|0 Comments

Inaugurate Self Care: Tips to Build Your Herbal Apothecary

Starting your personal herbal apothecary can be exciting. People enjoy the process of researching what herbs they want to try, ordering tinctures and selecting salves. But often I hear from people that their herbal healing journey never got off the ground. Starting is easy, but losing steam is easier. You must have a plan to incorporate herbal care into the routine of daily life for it to be sustainable and beneficial.

By |2017-02-08T20:21:36-08:00February 10th, 2017|Blog, Herbal Articles|0 Comments
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