brain function herbs

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Back to School Brain Booster Series: Holy Basil

It is most known for helping with any cause of brain fog, particularly menopausal brain fog, brain fog associated with overuse of cannabis, brain fog due to anxiety. It is also good for what one wise herbalist calls “stagnant depression”, which can cause lowered mental acuity. Holy Basil can be also be used for ADHD, and even can help brain injuries.

By |2015-09-03T15:00:17-07:00September 8th, 2015|Herbal Articles|0 Comments

Back-to-School Brain Booster Series: Gotu Kola

Gota Kola worked wonderfully. After taking it for just three weeks, I started noticing that I did not have to go back to the house to get things. I was remembering all I needed when I left the first time! Even remembering small tasks at work came much more easily. I love it so much that Gotu Kola has a permanent home in my personal herbal formula...

By |2015-09-03T14:53:10-07:00September 3rd, 2015|Herbal Articles|0 Comments
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